Wishgarden Herbs


$36.00 CAD

This unique formula supports healthy hormonal cycles in the body and helps to maintain optimal fertility in women. Fertility Prep Conception Support uses five traditional herbs that nourish a woman's body. Traditionally it is taken for three months prior to conception. WishGarden Herbs has over 40 years' experience in making herbal remedies for pregnancy and childbearing. It is not recommended for nursing mothers.

  • Classic reproductive tonic prepares for pregnancy.
  • Supports healthy female reproductive function.
  • Gluten-free and Vegan.

Best Taken:

  • At least three months prior to conception; can be continued into the first trimester
  • Can be paired with another hormone support formula if a deeper imbalance is at play (Cycle Vitality 1 - Estrogen Support, Cycle Vitality 2 - Progesterone Support, or Cycle Harmony.

While all the pregnancy, postpartum and children's formulas contain organic gluten-free alcohol — which is used to extract the herbal constituents and preserve the tincture — the finished products have as much alcohol as a ripe banana per serving.

Size: 2 oz pump 

Organic Vitex berry (Vitex agnus-castus), Wild Yam root (Dioscorea villosa), organic Red Maca root (Lepidium meyenii), Black Haw bark (Viburnum prunifolium), organic Raspberry leaf (Rubus idaeus), Rocky Mountain artesian spring water, vegetable glycerine & organic gluten-free alcohol.

Take 3mL (8 pumps or fill to the first line from the bottom of jigger cup) in a little water for taste 2-3 times daily or as practitioner recommended. Stop taking Fertility Prep once you've received a positive pregnancy test.

Tonic Strategy - Consistency: Tonic use is about promoting optimal health through deep, nutritive support over time. Take one serving 2-4 times a day for as long as needed or as practitioner recommended. Tonics are safe to take long term but appropriate length is unique to each individual and their health goals.

Initially take the suggested amount in a small amount of water, juice or tea to taste. With familiarity, can be taken directly for convenience.

Keep out of reach of children. If you have a medical condition or take medications, please consult your healthcare practitioner before use.

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